Elders in Kashmir used to be given all the love and care but the
“Modernization” has left some of them isolated and lonely!)
The ancient
civilisations were always rooted in extended families. People used to live
together where the elders were not only respected and cared for but were the
guides and the inspiration for the new generations. Kashmir has had joint and
extended families from the earliest times. Almost all world religions teach
respect and care for elders. However, with the technology invasion and so
called modernisation, the old and traditional joint or extended family culture
was lost. This happened fast in western countries where they started having so
called nuclear families! Leave aside elders, the working couples were unable to
fully attend to their children which gave rise to baby sitters, In earlier
joint families, the elders used to be the baby sitters. They would always have
their grandchildren around them. This not only took care of the children but
helped the grandparents in reverse by keeping them always occupied. According
to expert psychiatrists like our own talented Dr. Mushtaq Margoob, the worst enemy of the old age is the
loneliness! People living in joint families with grandparents hardly have any
cases of Alzheimer’s disease or dementia because of these elders remaining
always occupied and engaged with children and grandchildren. The other
alternative is to keep the elders busy in some activities. In the west there
are civil society groups who visit lonely elders and take care of them. There
are also old age homes where working people can put their elderly parents or
grand-parents for being taken care of. In India also a number of such projects
have been started in large metros. However, there are no such facilities in
Kashmir at present. Setting up of such facilities even though would be a
welcome step but it strikes at the very root of our centuries old tradition
where respect and care for the old is not only a moral obligation but a
religious duty! A Muslim is ordained to take care of his mother; then his
mother; then his mother and then his father and then other relatives in
closeness. Any deviation or violation of this Divine Command is unforgivable!
Recent experiences have
shown that the most neglected among Kashmir’s elders at the moment are the
parents of some of the non-resident Kashmiris. A doctor friend from the
Institute of Medical Sciences related story of an elderly person, a very high
and senior retired government functionary who was brought to the hospital by
the security guards who had been posted at his residence even after retirement
because of his very senior position. All his children are abroad. The doctor
friend accompanied him back home. There are reports of people having expired
and the fact coming to light accidentally after a couple of days or so. This
happens in the west also where a milkman reports non-lifting of bottles near the
door of a flat and the firemen after climbing through the window come to know
the lonely man or woman is dead! There cannot be anything more inhuman and
callous than this. Surely, such a thing has never been part of Kashmiri
culture. However, with the so called “Modernisation”, we too may end up like
It would be worthwhile
if some enterprising people come forward to set up elder care facilities in
Kashmir. To begin with they may take franchise from some of the organisations
running such facilities in large metros like Mumbai, Bangalore etc. These are
called 24 hour care. They provide the care at the own homes of these elders
against certain fees. All their requirements including medical care on 24 hour
basis are offered. The other possibility is setting up of elder care homes.
Kashmir has umpteen numbers of homes for orphans but probably none for elders.
Apart from paid elder homes and 24 hour elder care, there is also need for
similar care for destitute elders who cannot afford these services. Normally,
this should be the duty of the government of a welfare state to take care of
the destitute. Let us hope someone comes forward and takes this worthwhile
initiative in Kashmir?
On a lighter vein, a
friend requested for giving advice to elders to take care of themselves by
utilising huge amounts of money which most of them leave for their children! In
the changed circumstances, the elders need to rethink about their investments.
Invariably, most of the people invest money in properties beyond one’s requirement
which are ultimately left for the children. Elders should in their prime years
first keep provision for old age to be well looked after not necessarily by
their own children who usually get scattered all over the world during the
present global times! One of my friend’s relations has a huge piece of land.
Her children are all abroad. The friend says, if she only sells a small portion
of the land, she can pay for umpteen people including doctors, nurses and
others taking care of her round the clock and would not have to wait for her
children to look after her on their return from abroad! Well, a worthwhile
suggestion for all well to do elders!