National Highway presently connecting Kashmir Valley to the outside world is in
the throes of death and there is urgent need to find an alternative)
Kashmir valley remained
cut off during the current winter a number of times. This was due to the
closure of the National Highway connecting it with Jammu, the only land route
presently available during winter. This is now a routine phenomenon every
winter. Even during the time it is open it sometimes becomes very dangerous to
travel on it as there are numerous slides. Even though the smaller ones are cleared
within few hours or so the large ones take days or even weeks to get cleared.
It is a continuous herculean task to keep Kashmir’s only lifeline open. This
has been possible only through the efforts of the Border Roads Organisations
whose men and machines are working round the clock.
A question arises as to
why in this modern age of development Kashmiris are physically choked? Before
one answers that question, let us examine the Valley’s historical routes to the
outside world. It is a well-known geographical fact that the Kashmir Valley is
a landlocked area surrounded by high mountains. While this natural barrier
makes entry into and the exit from the valley difficult, it has historically
been a protective barrier also. However, there has always been an easy inlet
and outlet to the outside world. That is the route all along the River Jhelum
downstream from the Valley. For centuries this has been the only normal access
to the Valley in summer as well as in winter. Even during the Dogra rule this
was the route used to go from Srinagar to Jammu and vice versa!
The other historical
routes have been across the Pirpanjal range. The most famous is the route
followed by the Mughals during their reign. This route has also been used by
Kashmiris earlier to go to “Hindustan”! The other route in Pirpanjal which is
the shortest one into the Valley is through Loran (Poonch) and Tosa Maidan. Mehmud
of Ghazni tried to enter Kashmir through this route but was turned back by the
Kashmiri garrison at Loran in the forts of Lohar and Kot.
On the North Eastern
side are the routes through Gurez to Gilgit and across Zoji La to Drass and
beyond. The Gurez-Gilgit route had a road built by the British to supply their
garrison in Gilgit. The Zoji La route was the famous caravan route for trade
with the Central Asia and China including Yarqand, Kashgar, and Sinkiang and so
on. The Hajis from Yarqand used to go to Makkah through Kashmir. There was a
Sarai of Yarqandis in Safakadal known as Kak Sarai where one could see lines of
Bactrian camels (Double Humped) which used to come from Yarqand and other
places. In fact, a large number of
refugees from the Chinese Revolution in 1949 came from Sinkiang and Yarqand to
Kashmir. They ultimately migrated to Turkey and other places. Some remained
here. This route was a small branch of the famous Silk Route.
The freedom of the
sub-continent from the British in 1947 opened up all areas to outside world but
due to their misfortune, Kashmiris got both politically as well as physically
locked up by this momentous event. One need not repeat the events which are in
dozens of books but the reality needs to be stated that Kashmir’s free access
to the outside world got totally blocked by the events of 1947. It was left
with only one opening through the Bannihal Cart Road! No doubt this road has
been upgraded and widened but an important section of the road is a virtual
headache which cuts off the valley for days on end especially in winter. The
ideal alternative would be to somehow open up the Jhelum Valley Road once again
but unfortunately due to the uncertain and hostile situation between the two
neighbouring countries that may seem a utopian dream. The dream could be
realised if somehow Kashmir becomes a part of CPEC! Ultimately, India may have
to become a part of the corridor for its own future economic reasons. Till that
happens, the Valley needs dependable access especially during winter for its
There are two
alternatives which need to be put on fast track if Kashmir has to remain
physically connected to the outside world especially during winter. The first
is the Mughal Road and the other Simthan-Kishtwar Road. Mughal Road is an
excellent road and needs only a tunnel under Peer ki Gali to make it passable
throughout the winter. Similarly, Simthan-Kishtwar Road needs to have a tunnel
for year round operation. Both the roads need to be declared as National
Highways and upgraded. Compared to the money being spent on the present access,
it is not a tall order! The only requirement is sincerity on the part of the
State and the Central leadership to really and honestly ameliorate the
sufferings of the Valley people especially in winter. Will they do so? That is
the million dollar question and till that time the people in the Valley, due
their own misfortune and the insincerity of their leaders have to suffer!
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