There is hardly any occasion in international
gatherings where the problem of Kashmir comes up for discussion, when
one or other representatives especially from the western countries do
not fail to mention that Kashmir is a “Nuclear Flashpoint”! Over the
years hype has been built up around this dispute to create very severe
and grave apprehensions about its being a threat to world peace and a
possible trigger for a nuclear exchange between these two Asian
neighbours. One would have thought that this grave threat perception
would help in its quick resolution but on the contrary this idea of a
possible mad nuclear exchange reinforced by western powers in reality
acts as a delaying tactic in its final settlement. This idea actually
crept in the discourse from the time the two countries exploded half a
dozen nuclear devices some years back. Till that time they had already
fought three conventional wars.
There are many theories about the
background to this now very well known label of Kashmir, the “Asia’s
Nuclear Flashpoint”. In fact, in February, 2000 Dr. Subash Kapila wrote
an article about this contention being a myth floated by USA and
Pakistan since early eighties for their vested interests. According to
Dr.Kapila, the USA fully knows that no one except them have used nuclear
weapons physically or as a blackmail (Hiroshima, Nagasaki and Cuba).
They also know that they can hold back Pakistan if necessary by
pre-empting their strike capability. India has already declared no first
strike. Dr. Kapila concludes that the myth is only to contain Indian
influence in South Asia and prevent any attempt at a limited Indian
conventional strike in Pakistan Administered Kashmir. Dr.Kapila says
that the Pakistan’s bogey about the nuclear flashpoint is to pressurise
international community to intervene in settling Kashmir dispute.
As per Dr.Kapila the myth can turn
into reality only if an irrational fundamentalist dictator decides to
use the nuclear weapon to force India to give up Kashmir. However, in
this scenario also China may not allow this or the Pakistanis themselves
would have to take into account the Indian retaliation of second strike
which would completely wipe out Pakistan. On all counts, the
possibility of a nuclear conflagration over Kashmir seems very rare as
was evident from the Kargil war where Bill Clinton intervened after
consulting his Chinese counterpart to call a halt to the hostilities.
The recent development in Pakistan where violence has assumed alarming
proportions especially the unstoppable suicide attacks does create a
disturbing scenario. A suicide bomber running away with a nuke to teach
India a lesson can trigger an Armageddon! Apart from that rare suicidal
eventuality, a full-fledged nuclear war breaking out in the
sub-continent is not a possibility in the present international
scenario. USA and other western powers will not allow that to happen.
Thus one could say that the hype
about Kashmir being a nuclear flashpoint or an Asian hot-spot is a myth
which is in fact being used by one and all to forestall any progress
towards its resolution. Even very recently, the Pakistani Prime Minister
has called Kashmir a nuclear flashpoint. Apart from these international
players even the local leaders in Kashmir have also been very
conveniently repeating these lines of his master’s voice! One would have
expected the local leaders not to get swayed by this mythical hype that
Kashmir is a nuclear or non-nuclear Asian or global flashpoint. They
should have at least been able to guess that the worn out slogan is just
to keep Kashmiris hanging till eternity. Normally if it was such a
dangerous flashpoint then everyone should have been rushing to get it
settled at the earliest in the interests of the world peace! On the
contrary the western powers especially the global policeman (USA) which
normally intervenes everywhere on the tiniest grounds keeps on telling
India and Pakistan to sort out the problem bi-laterally. Afghanistan,
Egypt, Libya and now Syria need American intervention but not Kashmir
which has been hanging fire for more than half a century. It is the
common Kashmiris who are in the line of fire and have been facing the
consequences of a proxy war between the two irreconcilable neighbours of
the sub-continent.
The recent startling disclosures by
the former Army Chief General V K Singh are just the proverbial tip of
the iceberg and show to what length these people are ready to go to keep
the pot boiling in Kashmir. The other side is doing the same thing to
get relief from the uncontrollable local militants bent upon destroying
their feudal set up. This uncertain situation fuelled and maintained by
both the sides is slowly creating a dangerous situation for the local
people who may get completely annihilated in this mindless terror war if
it continues unabated without anyone willing to stop it on the mythical
excuse of it being a “Nuclear” Flashpoint”!
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